Empowerment Through Aviation
Our Story

Our Story

Empowerment Through Aviation is a project of the family and friends of Brigitte Louise Jacobson.  Brigitte was a Navy pilot, a community activist, and a mentor to young women.  As an African American woman and pilot, Brigitte was part of a very small group.  She saw first-hand the striking lack of diversity in aviation and other traditionally male dominated fields.   Brigitte passed away in 2019 but if she were alive today, she would be committed to helping others like her break into these professions which can often provide family sustaining, rewarding, lifelong careers.  

ETA was formed in Brigitte’s honor in 2020 and aims to take small but meaningful steps to increase diversity in aviation and specifically the ranks of professional pilots.  Simultaneously, we endeavor to positively impact the lives of young women from Baltimore through flight scholarships designed to give them a bridge to successful aviation careers.  By giving young women of color access to high quality flight training, support, and mentoring, we aim to inspire, uplift, and create the confidence for them to succeed – wherever life takes them.